Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wren MW54 Turbo Prop

This is a very complicated project as tolerances must be very stricken due to the High speed of this Turbine. I managed to get most of the parts but still need to put everything together and would like to see it running soon. The shafts seems to be easy but not at all as these needs to be made to perfection. The building instructions of the Turbo Prop is now free from Wren and is indeed something to look at if you ever plan to build a Turbo Prop yourself. Just remember that they do not make the MW54 Turbo Prop anymore and that they will have limited parts available for it. They do have an exciting new range of Turbines available including the Wren 44 Turbo Prop have a look at

Will keep you posted on its progress.

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